教证法光 ! Without a column Learn a foreign language? How to understand that the technique suits you

Learn a foreign language? How to understand that the technique suits you

Now they talk a lot about effective communication and a…

Now they talk a lot about effective communication and about pumping the appropriate skills. Communicative teaching methods also appeared in teaching foreign languages and quickly became popular. But they are not suitable for everyone, says Olga Saranina, teacher of Romanesque languages. Why?

1. When we learn, we are looking understandable, try to catch patterns, find what is clear to us

At the same time, at school, we were taught almost everyone on classic textbooks in which the lesson is built like this: rules, exercises for rules, new words and text with them and with new rules.

We all understand in them, because there is a text that is specially written at our level. And in it we must translate each word, because we all have already passed.

The disadvantage of classic textbooks is that one who studied on them, as a rule, reads quite decently, but does not speak a foreign language, and it is difficult for him to absorb new information from the fly, because he was used to it – he was taught – first to analyze it. And in textbooks of a different type, communicative, other goals are set.

All tasks are built in such a way as to train the ability to catch important information. And it begins immediately, from the first lesson. It gives the most necessary minimum of knowledge, and then immediately offers the text, and not the training, but “real”: an excerpt from the article or from the book.

2. In the classical training system, it would be impossible to start studying French from “three musketeers” or other classics

Reading Russian translations, we are used to treating this novel as a teenage reading, but in fact it is a serious literature, there is a complex and even exquisite language there.

But in a communicative lesson, you can easily offer you to read an excerpt from the first chapter. The mass of words are incomprehensible, but you can answer the main questions, nevertheless, even if you see this text for the first time in your life and most of it do not understand it.

Who is the main character there, what is his name? D’Artagnan, right. And what is he going, by train or on a horse? And so on. And it turns out that the most important thing you managed to grab!

The usual way of thinking says that first you need to carefully study the theory. But we will have experience first, practice

But for many of those who have been brought up on classical manuals in foreign languages, this approach is incomprehensible, and the task seems impossible. And then the student tells the teacher to himself: I must translate every word,


but I don’t know these words. And if you answer him “it doesn’t matter”, he does not understand how “it doesn’t matter”?

Each of us wants understandable – this is our support. And when an adult came to “magical” courses, hearing about new methods, he still wants to be clear, that is, familiar.

And when everything is unusual there, for him it is double stress: not only is the language new and unfamiliar words, but also the learning system is very different from everything that he knew before. There is a logical resistance (it can take the form of irritation, boredom, distrust or sensations of its own inability), which is difficult to overcome – both the student and the teacher.

3. Not so rarely adult students believe that since they paid for courses, the teacher should meet them

And this means, from their point of view, that he should answer all the questions that arise. What is this grammatical form, in which cases it is used, what is the etymology of this word and the like.

But when we speak our own language, we do not think about it! We do not think at all-yeah, this is the first person, the second conjugation, which means that the ending should be such and such … we would speak very, very slowly if we thought about it all.

But in reality, “the words themselves come to the language” because we managed to get used to different words and expressions, they are used to pronouncing them in certain situations, because we heard others a hundred times, and they themselves said a hundred times. And in different high -speed training courses we repeat the same path – that is, we get used to the words and phrases that are used in certain everyday situations.

“Hello. Here I am. Where to hang a coat? Here. How are you? What are you! Can’t be. What is your girlfriend’s name? Oh, it seems she met with my brother ”… Our daily speech is spontaneous and situational. In your native language, you can regret that “I said without thinking”. And on a foreign one, this is the ideal we strive to achieve.

作者: 子归

