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How to Be Less Emotional with Pictures

Emotions range from high and low extremes to little nud…

how to become emotionless

Emotions range from high and low extremes to little nudges in our minds. We can learn to appear emotionless by hiding our emotions to avoid being vulnerable. If you are interested in hiding your emotions, here is a useful guide on how to become emotionless. Both daily stressors and overwhelming stress are major contributors to emotional numbness.

What Is Emotional Numbness?

Instead of focusing on the anger, focus your mind on what you can change. This sets your mind on a positive direction and sets a stage for emotions. Instead of focusing on emotions, disengage your mind and try not to think about anything. Being overly emotional may mean reacting to feelings like anger, sadness, and fear quickly instead of letting all of your intelligence weigh in. Chances are, if you feel overly emotional you are relating to your emotions in a way that isn’t always constructive.

how to become emotionless

Keep trying to remove your emotions until giving emotionless responses becomes automatic. Whichever therapy you choose, getting help can provide you with a safe place to express and approach your emotions so that you’re no longer feeling numb. People with schizophrenia may go through periods of time where they feel complete apathy or disinterest as well as emotional numbness or blunting. It is hard to be suddenly emotionless, especially if you’ve been caring all your life. However, trying these tips will help you manage your feelings and save you a world of pain. Borrow a page from the women of The Bold Type and go to the nearest train station.

Essentially, your goal is to become the equivalent of a lump of granite. One can’t injure stone, nor will that stone freak out or cry in a crisis. Mountains like Everest have been standing for millions of years, and aren’t about to crumble when proverbial crap hits the fan.

How to Make Yourself Emotionally Numb

If you want to become a less emotional person, change your emotional approach by practicing deep breathing techniques whenever you get worked up. Inhale slowly for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds, then repeat this at least 4 more times. Instead of ruminating on your concerns, write them down in a stress diary and look for better coping mechanisms. If that doesn’t work, distract yourself by listening to music, reading a book, or going for a walk.

Everyone tends to have a mean streak, and so, acting like the big bad wolf or cold princess sometimes will help you look emotionless. Whoever is wanting to ruffle your feathers will soon realize you are not interested in their brand of trouble. One of the ways to deal with your emotional outbursts is to first place the cause of the emotion. Knowing where each emotion stems from will give an inkling of how to manage or stop it. If those around you see you looking neutral – without fear or any other emotion taking you over – then that will reassure them that everything’s actually okay. They’ll be less likely to freak out or get hysterical if the person they’re looking to for guidance is calm and grounded.

  1. Try to include some form of exercise or physical activity most days of the week.
  2. Doing the latter can make the muscles on the outsides of your jaws ripple, which will imply stress, tension, anger, or fear.
  3. While reaching out to others may seem difficult at first, seeking social support from friends and family that you trust may help provide a safe way to express your emotions.
  4. Similarly, being able to control emotions can spare everyone a significant amount of grief in the long run.

Finding ways to better manage stress is key to addressing the avoidance of emotions and feelings. Learn to retreat inwards and detach yourself from all other human experiences. In this state, you can put down your emotions and prevent them from intruding your mental state. You can choose from different types of meditation such as Huna and Vipassana.

You will lose good and bad emotions when you become emotionless. You cannot show enthusiasm or excitement about anything if you want to remain emotionless. However, if nothing makes you happy then nothing will make you sad. You are likely to feel angry when you cannot control how to buy bitcoins in easy steps or change a situation.

how to become emotionless

Channel your negative thoughts towards something productive

You are in total control of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It can be a big best collaboration tools for 2022 survey results the space blog advantage to be able to appear completely emotionless. Controlling your emotions can help you gain control of negotiations, avoid confrontations and even seem cool.

If you’re drinking water and minding your business, your well-being will improve. Pretending you don’t have these demons will only torment you further. You’d be surprised at the productive things your confrontation will yield.

Once you find a therapist or psychologist to work with, the first step in the treatment process is unpacking the cause of your emotional numbing. A therapist can help you determine the underlying cause of the trauma, and come up with better ways to cope with overtaxing experiences and emotions. The first thing most people tell you to do in a heated situation is to walk away.

However, when your emotions control you, they can seriously affect your ability to perform and to think clearly in crucial situations. You can’t get rid of your emotions completely, but you can keep emotions from taking over your life. Studies show that people who were emotionally abused as children are more likely to experience emotional dysregulation, including emotional numbing, as adults.

People who misuse substances like marijuana or cocaine can alter the brain’s reward system, making it harder to feel pleasure without the drug. Substance use can produce a detachment from one’s emotions and an overall lack of motivation and interest. Take other people’s words and opinions with only a grain of salt. Meaning, if their words don’t elevate or improve you, no need to become emotional because they don’t matter.

You might even destroy some of them in the process, and make a hideous mess while you’re at it. Your emotions will fade away when nothing is a big deal or has meaning to you. There are a variety of treatment options available that can help you reduce the extent to which you try to escape, disengage from, or avoid your emotions. Yes, it is possible to grow emotionless over time, especially if it will save so many things from going wrong. Click here if you’d like to learn more about the service BetterHelp.com provide and the process of getting started.

If you’re familiar with the concept of a “poker face,” you’ll understand this already. Even a small eyebrow twinge or lip quiver can give away what we’re trying to keep close to our chests. Your emotions will be there waiting for you when you’re ready to pick them back up again. But right now, in this moment, they’re tucked how to buy mina tokens into a box on the shelf.

作者: yuan


